
What We’ve Been Up To: July-December 2021

This is a newsletter for all those interested in the work of the Mid-Coast Maine Reparations Collective (we call ourselves MMRC). Our intention as a group is to follow the leadership of BIPOC-led organizations in Mid-Coast Maine and support their work by returning stolen resources, promoting truth-telling education, and fostering a culture of repair.

Our goals include educating ourselves and others and participating in reparations in many of its forms: land return, giving of our skills and time, moving resources, showing up when invited and helping to dismantle the systemic structures of colonization and white supremacy in ourselves, our towns, our state and country.

July – December: Where We’ve Been

Since our last email in July where we told you about our event in Belfast called Jams for Justice which raised $5,000 for Racial Equity and Justice (REJ), we’ve started to branch out to serve and uplift various BIPOC-led projects.

The MMRC crew and friends celebrating the completion of a Yurt at Kinship Community in October 2021.
  • Ummah Farm is an 11-acre Black owned homestead which is becoming a food hub and healing space for BIPOC communities in central Maine. Along with our friends from SURJ and Land in Common, we’ve participated in multiple work parties to restore a barn, build fencing for the goat pastures, cut firewood, install insulation, and share music and meals.

We’ve also been following Migrant Justice’s Milk With Dignity Campaign on Hannaford in Maine. The campaign builds a movement of farmworkers and allies calling on dairy companies to ensure respect for human rights in their supply chains by joining the worker-driven campaign. Many of us attended, made signs, and volunteered as safety marshalls at the 300-person march in Portland in November. The march, and subsequent actions at Hannaford across Maine called on Hannaford and Hood Dairy Plant to join Milk With Dignity.

During the march on Hannaford, we heard farmworkers speak outside the Hood Plant in Portland.

Read and watch the video about the march, and call on Hannaford to take action.

We’ve also shown up to learn. In October, many of us attended the all day Anti-Racist Organizing in Maine virtual conference hosted by Atlantic Black Box and Community Change, Inc.

This fall, we continued the practice of personal reparations by moving resources to BIPOC projects every time we met.  From our own pockets we have moved:

Widening our Net

The Mid-Coast Coalition for Justice

We are in great company in Maine when it comes to people dedicated to decolonizing and undoing white supremacy. In late Summer, some of those groups came together to form the Mid-Coast Coalition for Justice. It includes members from Mid-Coast SURJ, The Rural Anti-Racist Action Group, Mid-Coast Reparations Collective, Mid-Coast Peace and Justice and others helping the Waldo County Sheriff’s department deepen their anti-racist work and educating youth in the school system.

follow our joint calendar on the MMRC website to stay updated on upcoming events like MLK Jr. Day, rallies, training, and more.


Are you looking for more community or ways to get involved in repairing the harm? Consider joining MMRC. We meet 2 times per month (usually in person in Belfast on Sunday afternoons) and offer various levels of commitment allowing people to lean in as much or as little as they are able.

email us at if you are interested in learning about our onboarding structure.

Join the Movement to Undo Systems of Oppression

Whether you join our collective or not, we invite you to the daily practice of undoing systems of oppression. The little acts add up: read BIPOC authors, bring up issues at work, at home and with friends, call your local representatives to voice support on important issues (get your reps to support LD1626 for instance, a key bill honoring Wabanaki sovereignty. Call Governor Janet Mills at 207-287-3531 and tell her to pass it. She has vetoed previous efforts even when the House and Senate passed these initiatives). MMRC is trying to commit to the small and large acts that move us forward towards a world that works for all life.

May the winter solstice and all your holidays be meaningful and joyful. The team at MMRC is wishing you strength, courage, joy and peace in 2022. Please share this update with friends and invite them to our email list. For any questions, ideas or thoughts, please contact us at or call us at ‪(207) 573-0678‬. 

Stay tuned for what’s ahead in 2022.


The Mid-Coast Maine Reparations Collective

P.S. Here is our recommended winter reading list

  • Sacred Instructions by Sherri Mitchell
  • An Indigenous People’s History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
  • The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
  • My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakem
  • The MMRC Reparations Reader

Newsletter: June 2021

Greetings everyone! 

Jams for Justice in Belfast in June 2021

First, we’d like to share that Jams for Justice, our opening summer concert and auction to send reparations, was a success!! Thank you to everyone who attended, donated, and participated in the auction. Together we raised $4,655.80. All of which went directly to Racial Equity and Justice, a Maine-based organization that does vital racial justice work and education nation-wide. We are so grateful for all of the work that they do. Please consider further support for this organization and encourage your friends to start their own reparations journey by supporting REJ or other BIPOC(Black, Indigenous, People of Color)-led organizations.

Some of the jams we raffled off at the event.

Additionally, thank you to Ethan Tischler for doing sound for us, and we are hugely grateful to all the musicians for generously donating their time and especially to Mali Obamsawin of REJ for sharing such powerful words through song and speech.

Promotional poster for the event.

We are so happy that resources have been moved to REJ and are excited about creating more events like Jams for Justice. 

To that end, here are a couple things on our radar for the coming months! Stay tuned for announcements about….

  • Another event like Jams for Justice (Pies for Peace? Tortes for Transformation?) to move money to BIPOC-led organizations and projects. We hope to have a date on the calendar in the next few months.
  • An Anti-Racist Training Workshop. We are in touch with a handful of leaders from a few BIPOC-led organizations and are looking forward to putting on an educational training that will be open to the public.

Anti-racist and reparations work takes all of us and it isn’t a one off event: our actions, our hearts, our gifts, our time. If you have the capacity to get involved, here are a list of groups doing this work locally:

  • Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) 

Find them on Facebook or via the national SURJ website

  • Rural Anti-Racist Action Group

Email to get involved or learn more

  • The Yet-To-Be-Named-Network

Learn more here or plug in through Ethan Hughes at the Possibility Alliance

Read about them here

Mark your calendar: Folks from each of these groups will be meeting on Sunday July 18th at the Possibility Alliance from 10am-noon at 85 Edgecomb Road in Belfast to discuss forming a Midcoast-wide coalition for racial justice. If you are involved in any of these groups or become so before this date, you are welcome to join the meeting.

Above all, our goal is to support BIPOC-led organizations like Racial Equity and Justice who work to end violence against oppressed groups and create a more equitable society. We want to center that in this email so that we can bring you along with us in this journey.

We at Mid-Coast Maine Reparations Collective are leaning into anti-racist work and striving not to cause further harm, but we acknowledge that becoming anti-racist is a journey and we will make mistakes. Thus, we thrive on feedback and suggestions, so please share any that you can think of. Please reply directly to this email and we’d be thrilled to be in touch with you. 

Blessings and best wishes,

All of us at the Mid-Coast Maine Reparations Collective